Communication is a necessary process in the human being by which a sender and a receiver constantly interact, exchanging their perceptions, opinions, knowledge, etc. And in an educational center, communicating with students is essential.
In the school environment, this process occurs mainly in three areas, Family, Students, and School. The importance of good communication between the three main parts that make up the educational community of each center is such that the simple fact of having a bad interaction between any of them could negatively affect the training and educational process of students.
For this reason, we have wanted to eliminate communication barriers on our platform, creating different channels through which the center can communicate not only with families but also with its students or teachers.

Communications within the Platform:
Our platform is designed to facilitate not only access to it but also seeks to facilitate communications. For this, it has three forms of communication:
- Internal Messaging: from this option, we can communicate with the users of the School Platform. The messages received from this option are shown in the Mailbox section, where they will be stored for later consultations if necessary.
- Email: Through this option, we can send emails outside of the platform. That is, this option allows us to communicate by email with those contacts that we have the email even though they are not users of the platform.
- Text message (SMS): this option will allow us a more personal communication since it gives us the option of sending a text message to the mobile phone provided.
Are you ready to transform your Center to the digital age?
If you want to obtain more information about our school management software or see how our platform works, do not hesitate to request an online free demo, without any commitment.