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with Online Classes
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Distance is no longer an excuse!
Online Classes with Live Classroom
We know that today’s need is for you to be able to interact with your students from a distance, it is for this reason that through the Live Classroom you will be able to conduct online classes and web meetings hassle-free.
You will be able to interact with your students without having to be physically in your school and with total security.
School Website with Powerful Features
Why Choose Our School Management Software?
Accessible 24/7
100% Web-based software. Without the need for any type of hardware installation, you can access your school wherever you are, whether through a mobile device, tablet, or computer.
All Connected
Improve communication between your teachers, students, and families. Check your class schedules, attendance and reports, exchange files, and implement online payments.
All Inclusive
All the options and features you can expect from school management software are included. A complete solution specially designed for schools, universities, colleges, and institutions
Total Control
If you are concerned about the security of your important data, then our solution is the best for you. It will install on your own web hosting server and you have complete control.
Discover why we are the best option in the market
Why Do Schools love our
School Management Software?
All the tools your school needs in the same control panel
The Most Prestigious Schools Trust Us
Find out why top schools love our School ERP System
Anna Williams | Silver Oak School
Sam Clark | Lakewood High School
Paul Smith | St. Patrick's School
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The Powerful School ERP Software for your Institution
We help you GROW your school through specialized solutions to improve your finances, administrative processes, teaching, and admission of students.

Advanced Statistics
As a business owner, storing and properly managing your data is not enough to run a successful business. In a rapidly changing world and a growing economy, data analytics is a catalyst for change.
This is why we take statistics and data analysis very seriously and aims to provide you with the best possible representation to help you better read, understand, and protect your data.
To give you a better user experience and more control over your school management software . We allows you to configure and customize all its aspects.
Roles, access rights, and user permissions: it is now possible to create personalized roles (for example administrator, educational director, level 1 assistant, level 2 assistant, etc.). This means that you are no longer limited to traditional administrator accounts, but can create an unlimited number depending on your outlook and needs.
Control of forms: Modification, or addition of fields of forms. It is no longer necessary to contact us to add new fields. You are in absolute control of your forms and data.
Manage your schedules in a more efficient way
Creating and planning school schedules shouldn’t be a problem. Through our smart system you can comfortably create your schedules, assign teachers, organize classrooms and establish holidays and school periods.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions
What is School Management System?
A School Management System is a software that integrates different management areas that need to be controlled by the school administration.
It allows you to create and manage, classes, subjects, teachers, student registrations and admissions, classroom planning, monitoring of grades, reports, attendance, communication to interact with students and parents, student and teacher management, financial control, billing, payments, tuition plans, etc.
In other words, it is an ideal software to delegate the different activities of the school to make more efficient management, improve the satisfaction of your educational community, and the educational quality.
What are the Benefits of School ERP Software?
It is not about closing the doors of educational institutions and sending teachers and students home to interact through a computer connected to the Internet.
However, through the proper use of communication and meeting tools that exist, schools and colleges will discover an infinite number of new ways to enrich the educational experience.
A school is a community that most needs communication and all educational process is based on it.
Providing teachers with new tools to communicate with students will mean an immediate improvement in interaction and in creating bonds of trust between them.
Let’s imagine the scenario. The teacher finishes his class time and tells the students: in our online classroom you can find additional documents on the subject and a series of discussion topics.
“See you there …” Students from any computer or mobile device and at any time visit the online software, which is a private and controlled access Internet site, and examine the material that the teacher has provided them.
They participate in open discussions or generate new topics for reflection and if they have any additional questions they can ask them there.
But it can also be a tool for interaction between the students themselves. If working groups are created, they can share documents and hold virtual meetings to discuss the development of the work.
The mere fact that there is a virtual meeting place opens up infinite pedagogical possibilities.
Now let us introduce the following essential variable in the educational process: the home-school interaction.
How many times, as parents, have we not wanted to have immediate contact with our children’s teachers?
How many times, as teachers, have we not had the urge to talk with the parents of our students?
If teachers meet with parents scenarios that are created, the educational task will always be more effective. But physical encounters are not always possible, so let’s resort to the facilities that technology offers us.
Let’s reimagine the scenario. The director of a course has created a account for the parents of his students. In communication he sends them the access instructions and the corresponding passwords.
Anytime, parents can enter the software and see the communications sent by the course director, and exchange messages with the other teachers of their child.
The possibilities are limitless. You can immediately transform your school, your College, your University thanks to the Web-based school software
that has benefited the most from the content and connectivity provided by the Internet.
But many educators are not taking full advantage of the Web as a means of communication and meeting between teachers, students, and parents.
With our offer of products and services, you can bring the advantages of the Internet to your educational institution very quickly and economically.
What is the Importance of Online Learning?
No discipline of human endeavor has been more affected in history by great technological changes than education.
Since the invention of writing, human beings with an educational vocation have used all the technological tools at their disposal to enrich the educational process and effectively spread knowledge.
When the revolutionary innovation of the printing press emerged, the first system of “ virtual education ” was quickly established: the book.
This effective technological tool introduced a new concept in education by allowing the disciple to receive all the knowledge of the teacher even if they were both thousands of kilometers in space or hundreds of years in time.
Nowadays no educator doubts the benefits of inviting the authors of their favorite books as virtual teachers in their classroom.
If the printing press was the most influential and revolutionary invention of the past millennium, without a doubt the one that until now leads the way in terms of impact and disruption of the world we know is called the Internet.
Naturally, education was the first to take note of its arrival and the pioneer in putting this global network of communication and knowledge at its service.
Countless new applications and uses have emerged in the school environment and have been immediately embraced by students and teachers eager to incorporate the latest technology into their class.
However, the personal efforts of some are often held back by the different pace at which the educational institutions to which they belong evolve.
The objective of this article is to draw the attention of schools to the importance of welcoming and promoting the use of new communication and information management technologies in classrooms, either as a complement to face-to-face courses or as a basis for new completely online learning.
For a successful implementation of the concepts and tools of virtual education. All users (teachers, students, managers) must recognize and understand the immense cultural change that is taking place in the educational process, learn to live with it, and be trained to take advantage of the maximum its benefits.
What are Online Classrooms for Schools?
Each teacher can create an online classroom for each course they teach and in it, they can immediately have the necessary tools to communicate with their students.
You can also include all course documents in the school software, recommend links to Web sites, and create practice exercises for students.
Extend classes 24 hours a day for each of your courses. An online classroom is a private meeting place on the school system where teachers can exchange information with their students, carry out online discussions, create practice exercises, do workgroups, etc.
Students in turn can meet in workgroups, present assignments. Each classroom is private and can only be accessed by the teacher and the students belonging to the course.
For communication with parents, in the case of schools, separate classrooms can be created for each grade, managed by the course director.
Thus, for example, the sixth-grade parents’ classroom will have access to students, parents, and teachers who teach classes in that course.
The course teacher may send announcements to students and parents, keep an agenda of course events, and upload documents of general interest.
Additionally, you can create all the classrooms that are needed for workgroups or for all kinds of projects in the school.
For example, the classroom of the chess club, where students and teachers of all courses enroll; the classroom for science teachers, which includes all primary and secondary school teachers; the classroom of the basketball team; the classroom of … The possibilities are limitless!
Enrich the educational experience: online classrooms are an ideal assistant for teachers.
They allow them to easily manage the information and materials for each course they teach, notify students of tests and assignments, and promote discussion outside of class.
From the learner’s point of view, it helps you organize all your subjects in one place. Visiting the virtual classroom for each subject you can find the material provided by the teacher and the course’s events agenda.
You can contact the teacher directly with any questions or submit papers. Parents can participate directly in school activities. By logging in with their code they can see the information that their children’s course directors present to them in one place.
Communication and interaction between teachers and parents becomes more efficient and dynamic.
For directors of educational institutions, it is an immediate and very low-cost solution that allows them to have a virtual school in 48 hours without investing in equipment or software since it is a completely online solution.
What are the Advantages of e-Learning?
Several elements stand out in this new learning scheme:
Exploration – The use of the Internet, or more precisely the “ World Wide Web ”, as an exploration tool opens the doors for the teacher and the student to an inexhaustible source of information and resources.
Experience: The virtual student is involved in a new social and learning experience that can include direct communication with his teacher, discussions with his classmates, or individual study of content at his own pace.
Commitment: Virtual courses offer a unique opportunity for students to share experiences with others, which reinforces the sense of collaboration and community. In addition, the student receives control of her time and resources and can choose the best learning path according to her preferences and abilities.
Flexibility: From anywhere, anytime, students can access their virtual courses. It is estimated that approximately 80% of companies have already solved their access to the Internet, so the technical barriers to access for working students have already been overcome.
Current Teachers have the opportunity to update their materials and discussion topics instantly which keeps courses fresh and consistent with current events.
Personalization: Although it seems contradictory, virtual education does allow personal contact between the teacher and the student. The exchange of written messages and the possibility of detailed progress monitoring provides the teacher with knowledge of the student many times greater than in face-to-face courses.
What advantages does it have for the institution?
One of the great gains from moving courses to the digital world is that the institution begins to have a tangible record of its academic heritage.
The foundation of your educational talents is no longer just in the surely great minds of your teachers but is transferred to an effective and enduring content management system.
Other advantages may be:
Content uniformity: The basic information presented in the courses is consistent for all students, reducing the possibility of misinterpretation. It is also consistent between different groups in the same course.
Personalization: The information can be adapted to different users due to the modularity of the contents. Courses and programs can be modified taking into account the target audience.
The same course can be adapted, for example, for engineers or doctors, with elements appropriate to each one.
Quick update: The courses are not static or closed. Teachers can update content on a daily basis and each new group of students gets the latest version of the course.
Presentation modularity: Courses can be built with an interchangeable module architecture, which facilitates the development of new learning events of different size and duration.
By taking modules from here and there, you can build a course with different content in a very short time.
Administration and monitoring: Virtual course systems allow the measurement and monitoring of the effectiveness of a course.
All student activity and interaction between students and teachers are recorded, so that weaknesses in a course can be quickly detected and corrected.
Information management and control: As new educational products are developed and old versions become obsolete, it creates a challenge for content managers to keep their course library current and complete. The institution is forced to create an organized and effective digital archiving system.
Collaborative contribution: The archive of documents and educational modules is constantly enriched with contributions not only from teachers but also from students. Each new course is more complete and current. A glossary of terms of discipline, for example, is built with new words in each edition of the course from the contributions of the participants.
Extension of Classroom Education
If we go back to the beginning of the Greek school, we find that it was a whole place of meeting and discussion to deepen and apprehend what was not taught at home, and for that reason, it needed a time slot and a specific place.
Homeschooling was undoubtedly the main source of basic knowledge, but social gatherings and discussion were the generators of knowledge.
All the information that the professor adds to the course is kept in his online classroom.
It is equivalent to thinking of a classroom in which the previous night the teacher writes his lesson on the board, leaves a document on each desk for the students to analyze, starts a topic of discussion on the billboard, and prepares a questionnaire for to answer it.
It is about complementing face-to-face education with virtual, NOT replacing it; Go hand in hand with technology and pedagogy should not be separated or misunderstood.
With the creation of medieval colleges and study centers developed within faith formation, a much broader academic scheme was developed in the number of hours of study but limited to a privileged few.
The expansion of educational coverage led to the creation of the current model of our schools and educational centers where basic ethical knowledge and concepts are taught to be better people every day.
However, the discussion and dialogue have less and less opportunity to develop in the style of Socratic discussions and are limited to short exchanges of questions at the end of the class.
Content repetition and extensive homework are the norms today when they should be the exception. What does this approach have to do with the use of new technologies in general and virtual classrooms in particular?
Well, the answer is very simple, having a powerful communication center between all those who make up the educational process is an unbeatable opportunity.
Both teachers, educational administrators, parents, and classmates are a fundamental part of the formation of a student and good communication between them is a key element.
The school complies with sending circulars and newsletters to parents, but they do not have any daily means to respond, communication with teachers is scarce. And usually occurs when an academic and disciplinary problem arises that surely could have been faced since the principle with relatively simple measures.
Individual and private communication between teachers and students mediated by technology gives synchronous and asynchronous communication possibilities that in many cases do not occur due to the impossibility of offering individual attention.
Finally, we have communication between the teachers themselves, many of them part-time, and between them and the school directors, which sometimes only occurs at semester or annual meetings.
Academically speaking, the possibility of making better use of class time and better coordinating group work is undoubtedly a great achievement of the use of virtual classrooms.
But additionally, we must give space to the positive use of new web technologies, generating a new culture that allows improving the level of discussion, and making better use of the information on the web.